“Love will travel as far as you let it, it has no limits.” A simple yet truthful quote by Dee King perfectly sums up the beauty and feelings of long distance. Life has a funny way of putting people in your path that you need. No matter where you go you find people that inspire, encourage or remind you of what you want (or sadly in some cases don’t want) to be like. As Cameron and I start this blog there is something you should know… while it appears all cute and unified…it actually believe it or not has been done while we are hundreds of miles apart. Have you ever tried starting a blog when you can’t be together??? Yeah…. we found that it wasn’t the easiest of tasks as we thought it would be. Anyway we got here, we did it, and we love it! Cameron and I found out the hard (but best) way that distance is actually a great way to become close. While most couples can go on dates and hang out whenever they please…Cameron and I have to wait weeks to see each other face to face. What we have learned is that distance is a powerful relationship builder. Being far away forced us to be comfortable with each other. We had to get to know each other by talking to each other and what we discovered is that in person we were much stronger and more comfortable together. So why endure distance? A lot of people over the years have asked me how I do distance. Not only have I been in a few long distance relationships…. but I have also chosen to roam quite a distance from my family and friends. For whatever reason I am attracted to distance. I believe it is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding tasks you can take on in life. The simple answer for those who ask why and believe I am crazy is…distance shows how much you really care for someone. When you have no choice but to be far apart, you learn how much you miss the ones you really love. So how does distance relate to my love for photography? The two intertwine quite nicely as a matter of fact. If you haven’t noticed yet from this blog, I have a passion for photography. I never acted on it until recently because I wasn’t able to afford legit equipment. However, I had to take a class for school and was required to have my own DLSR manual focus camera. The perfect opportunity to get into photography right? But my love for pictures developed about 4 years prior to taking any class. I found my love for pictures in distance. When I ventured off to college I did what any young child of 18 does. You believe that you are unstoppable, almost invincible and so to prove to your parents you’re tough you venture far away. I tried this tactic and went to Ohio for college. Well the joke was on me. I found myself missing my family all 630 miles (the distance from Mansfield, MA to the University of Mount Union) each and every day. So I began to look at pictures. What I found out is that I actually didn’t have all too many pictures of the people I love. So every time I went home I started to annoy family by taking candid’s, selfies, anything I could capture that would help ease my homesickness when I was far away from them. I really just love a good steak but not only that, a picture this meaty (ha..) reminds me of summertime grillin and my family. So my love for photography grew. I started to realize the passion and joy I had when I captured beautiful pictures. A picture comes to life depending on the viewer’s perception. The pictures that we admire come to life because they create emotion or remind us of something important that is close to the heart. Distance provokes us to feel love and hurt when we miss those we care about. I thank distance for empowering me to have so much appreciation for the time I get with loved ones when I am in their presence and I also thank distance for sparking my interest in photography to capture the pictures of the people I love, so that no matter how far away in miles I am, they always are a snapshot away from me. Lastly I thank distance for bringing Cameron and I together and allowing us to create a blog to share with you all. We hope you enjoy the distances we travel to bring it to life for you! Do not attempt at home! To leave our mark permanently in Ohio, Cameron and I carved our initials into a tree in the woods.
The first post is a freebie right...? Okay just checking.
Waaaaay back when Rose was in college (one month ago) she took a photography class. I had been interested in photography for a while, and even tried it, but didn't stick with it because I didn't have anyone to enjoy it with. I mean, my family said they liked my stuff and all that but they have to say that because they're my family right!? When Rose took her photography class it got me thinking about it again. Her professor would assign these cool little photography challenges like: "this week I want you to take a picture of a square" and they had to go out and get the most creative picture of a square they could find. I thought that was awesome and I helped her any chance I could get. One night she came to visit me in Maryland and we were sitting on the couch watching TV. The night was beautiful. Full moon, lots of clouds, it was great. I stepped outside to take it all in and told her to grab her camera and see what we could get. I didn't have my own yet. We had no clue what we were doing so shutter speed, aperture, ISO, all of it was new to us so we go out into the night and use the guess and check method of photography. Click, decrease shutter speed. Click, too bright. Click, blurry. Click, ugh. Click, this sucks.... We didn't have a tripod or anything so we were taking pictures, in the dark, with huge shutter speeds, trying to get anything at all. We used this, very frustrating, method for a while until finally with the camera resting on my deck railing and Rose holding the camera as still as she possibly could, the stars (or clouds rather) alligned and she got it. The perfect shot... No Photoshop was used in the making of this picture Now I know the "perfect" shot is a bit subjective but to us it was. We hadn't been together that long and we had been taking pictures together for an even shorter time so it was almost a sign. Of course her professor at college didn't assign a heart or cloud challenge for the week so, determined to use this "perfect" picture for something, I started brainstorming about starting a blog to show off our stuff. It may not be good as far as the pros go but we like it, we're proud of it, and we want to share it with you. I hope this blog takes off and that many people can enjoy it for a long time. I know we enjoyed making it and this is only the beginning. Stay tuned for more adventures, stories, and of course, pictures! |
He likes pizza. Archives
August 2023
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