Well... the mountain is king at least. Kings Mountain State Park - Blacksburg, SC The weekend is coming so what are we gonna do? Sit on the couch and watch TV all weekend? Of course not! Let's load up the trailer and head out to the trees. This weekend the destination was Kings Mountain State Park. At the time of writing this, I don't really remember why we decided on that location specifically; must have been our good intuitions. Heading up to the mountain, the weather was looking iffy. The clouds were gray and rain was spitting on and off. We got to the campground around dusk. The camp office had technically been closed for about 90 seconds but the 'friendly' office staff got us all checked in anyways; albeit through some gripes and scoffs. Night time was setting in and I still had to get the trailer backed into the campsite. That's the easy part. The hard part is finding the campsite... The campground was set up in three rings. One was kinda off to the side and hard to see. If you had a 17.5' trailer (ours is 17') you would probably hit a tree. Guess where our site was! We missed the hidden loop on the first go-round and had to back up a little ways on the windy dirt road. Luckily one of the other campers came out to lend a hand, and some eyes. I think he mostly didn't trust me not to hit his truck that was parked along the road but I like to think the best of people. We made the sketchy turn around the tree with half an inch to spare and backed into the site. Hook up water and electricity and we're ready to glamp- I mean camp. (I'm still not used to anything but a tent). We didn't do much that first night. Cranked the tunes, drank some beer, and Rose got to try cheese-whizz for the first time! We like to eat healthy when we camp. When we woke up.... Okay, when we actually woke up it wasn't really sunny, but at least it wasn't raining. We decided that we should do some physical activity to burn off the healthy dinner from last night. There were tons of hiking trails in the area. Since we were staying on Kings Mountain, we decided to head over to Crowder's Mountain for the day to check it out. This was just to check it out. Rose assured me that we probably wouldn't hike there, just drive up, take in the sights, and hike back at the campground; so I wore my flip-flops. After a quick stop for coffee and a browse through a cool bookstore we found, we made it up to Crowder's Mountain. They had a little nature center and hiking center that had stuffed owls and other critters. After we looked at all the maps, Rose decided that we should go hiking. Of course, my shoes weren't ideal for hiking so we decided to head back to the campsite and change into some more appropriate footwear. Kings Mountain had tons of hiking. One of the trails actually went all the way to Crower's Mountain and up to the peak. We didn't do that one... Instead we did one that was more Luna and my speed. Just a quick little loop around a pond. The pond actually had a little dam on one side that fed into a river and since it had been raining so much, it was overflowing. It made this huge wall of water that made a nice little breeze through the woods. Towards the end of the hike we made it to an old farmstead; the kind of place that makes you want to hide from society and live the simple life. Aside from the obnoxious children running around, screaming, and jumping on the hundred year old farm equipment, it was really nice. Rose got some good pictures! We finished our hike and made it back to the trailer around beer o'clock. It must have been a sign but there was some wild wisteria growing along the edges of our campsite. Wisteria is our wedding color! We had enough time to snap some quick pictures for the wedding album before it started to rain. The rest of the night was spent eating dinner (okay snacks) and teaching Rose how to play poker. The problem with playing poker for popcorn, you always eat your winnings. Last night in the cozy little camper before real life starts again...
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